Monday, June 15, 2009

StumbleUpon Warning!

Just came across this post from Leslie Loves Veggies and thought I'd share with ya'll.

Leslie entering a giveaway when she discovered her account was Frozen/ Suspended. She checked her email and saw this message.
Accounts are placed under review for breaching our Terms of Service, which may be found here:
The most common cause for account suspension is a contravention of the clauses which forbid the use of personal accounts for the promotion of a business, product or service, and also with regard to the sending of 'spam' messages to other members.

If you wish to appeal this suspension, having first reviewed the TOS, then you may contact us here: but be aware that we will only have imposed the suspension if we believe it to be warranted.

-The SU Team
Leslie emailed StumbleUpon back to ask what was the cause and their reply was:
A review of your blog shows that you are primarily posting reviews of sites that are offering incentives for rating them.

Using a blog for these purposes is in breach of our Terms, and accounts being used in this manner are subject to termination.

Barry Conway
StumbleUpon's last email to Leslie suggested:
Perhaps you might spread the word that this form of "incentivised reviewing" is very far from Best Practice in StumbleUpon.
One's loss is another's gain. There are still many other ways to promote the word out. Happy Blogging everybody!

1 ♥♥♥:

Leslie M. said... 1

Thanks for commenting! I JUST now found this!!
Stumble! hahh
Still can't get over how I was fumbled by stumble!


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