Thank you Ashely from Forever and Always... a wife, mom, daughter & friend for featuring me on Share A Blog Mondays! Please make sure to check her blog, she has great reviews and giveaways.
Thank you for the Bobby Flay's Burgers, Fries and Shakes book from your Freebie Friday! I will definitely be posting a recipe I have tried from the book! You may also follow Food2 on Twitter.
Thank you Tropical Traditions for allowing me the opportunity to try your Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. I have not been able to post my review yet, as I just started summer school, but I will be posting shortly. You too may also try a free sample. Please follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter.
Thank you Annette Dunlea for allowing me the opportunity to review your book, Always and Forever: Katie the Rose of Tralee. I have not been able to post my review yet, as I just started summer school, but I will be posting shortly. You may also visit her literary blog or elibrary.
Thank you Janet from Gahome2mom for her giveaway. I definitely will be reading this as I need improvement in the finance/budget area! :x
Thank you Softsoap for your Lather Up for Good Health Giveaway! Make sure to follow Softsoap on Twitter, as this is where the giveaway takes action. You can also save $0.40 on your next purchase of Softsoap here. Now let's all do our part and keep our hands clean for our Good Health!
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