Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Your one-stop source for your blogging needs!

Hello readers, I wanted to share with you today a site I have been using for a about a month now called Blogger LinkUp. The creator is Cathy Stucker, who also has another site called Idea Lady. Blogger LinkUp is great because Cathy rounds-up requests and interchangely emails them to us daily. This is a good source to find what you need and if you can't find it, send your requests in and it'll be forwarded in the next round-up of emails! I know some of you mommy bloggers seek guests post and this could be a good outlet for you to look into! I honestly like this whole concept. Cathy has already exposed me request/offer guest posts, request/offer interviews and request/offer product reviews! Cathy helps us with our blogs for free! Like what Kathy says, the more people participating the better the results is for all of us. This is a really good way to connect to who we need to connect/reach.

Need more reasons on why you should join?
  • A blogger who uses guest posts to fill in when you are away or just want to give your readers another point of view
  • A blogger or web site owner who wants to get links and exposure by writing guest posts
  • A blogger who does interviews or round-up articles and needs sources
  • A representative of a company that wants to get your products reviewed by bloggers
  • A PR person, publicist or social media consultant who helps clients with any of the above
  • Taken from Blogger LinkUp.

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